On The Home Front: Original Wartime Recipes from The Great War 1914 to 1918 (2024)

On The Home Front: Original Wartime Recipes from The Great War 1914 to 1918 (1)

Cheese & Lentil Savoury

On The Home Front: Original Wartime Recipes from The Great War 1914 to 1918 (2)

1916: What To Do With Cheese

Cheese And Lentil Savoury Recipe

Lentils are a highly nutritious as well as an economical food, and when treated as follows, they are also very delicious. Take eight ounces of cheese, five and ahalf ounces of lentils, three ounces of breadcrumbs, four ounces of onions, one and a half ounces of fat, parsley, salt and pepper.
Wash the lentils; peel and chop the onions and cook them in a little water with the lentils, stirring occasionally. Have the cheese grated; put it into a basin and when the lentils and onions have nearly finished cooking stir them to the cheese and add the breadcrumbs, a tablespoonful of chopped parsley and pepper and salt.

On The Home Front: Original Wartime Recipes from The Great War 1914 to 1918 (3)

One of the most fascinating pieces of commissioned work I have undertaken recently was linked to the act of commemoration for all those who fought and lost their lives in The Great War of 1914 to 1918. I was asked to recreate some original recipes from the era and then style them withappropriateprops andphotographthem.I was sent an extensive list of recipes as sent in to The People’s Friend by their readers of the time, and what a remarkable and interesting list of recipes they were. From Treacle Scones and Vegetable Cutlets toPortuguese Toast (eggs, ham, onion and tomatoes on toast) andBonza Stew (vegetable stew), the recipes were a poignant and a tangible snapshot of the way we used to cook and eat at the beginning of the twentieth century. The recipes were published in the special edition of The People’s Friend in September of this year, and, as we are in the week of remembrance, I thought it would be interesting to share all the recipes I made for the project today.

On The Home Front: Original Wartime Recipes from The Great War 1914 to 1918 (4)

Apricot Charlotte

1915:Apricot Charlotte

Soak half a pound of dried apricots all night in just enough cold water to cover them. Next morning add some sugar, and stew until tender. Well butter a pudding bowl, and scatter brown sugar on bottom. Line it thoroughly with bread buttered, and pour apricots in when ready. Press plate on top, and put into oven for half an hour, when it will turn out nice and brown. Serve with sweet sauce and it will be delightful.

On The Home Front: Original Wartime Recipes from The Great War 1914 to 1918 (5)

In the end, I whittled the list down to six recipes, each one to represent a different course and with some of them using leftovers and ingredients that are not that common today; the recipes I chose to recreate were:

Pea Soup (1914) – made with split peas, onion, carrot and turnip, this soup was very comforting and extremely filling.

Cheese and Lentil Savoury(1916) – this was a spread made with cheese, lentils, breadcrumbs and parsley.

Saturday Pie (1915)– a classic leftovers dish of cold meat, mashed potato, onions and herbs.

An Indian Recipe (1917)– a curry by any other name, this was originally made with rabbit, although I used chicken thighs.

Apricot Charlotte (1915)– a thrifty pudding made with stale bread and dried apricots.

1918 War Cake (1918)– a very thrifty boiled fruit cake made with scant amount of fat (margarine) and no eggs

On The Home Front: Original Wartime Recipes from The Great War 1914 to 1918 (6)

1918 War Cake

On The Home Front: Original Wartime Recipes from The Great War 1914 to 1918 (7)

As an extra project, I applied a “time machine” edit to some of my colour photos (in a photo editing programme) so all the black and white images are reproduced as if the photos were taken on a box camera of the era.I styled them with old cutlery, linens and crockery from a similar time period, and served the recipes as suggested in the original recipe. I discovered that most of the recipes that suggested they would feed four people, would in fact feed two to three people nowadays……another indication of how our portion sizes have increased along with our girths. I had to adapt some of them slightly, so where dripping was suggested, I used butter instead, and I used brown bread and white pepper in all the recipes, both which would have been more common at the turn of the century. In the Indian Recipe, I used chicken thighs in place of rabbit, not due to any squeamishness on my part, as I like rabbit, but because I wanted to show that the recipes could be recreated with another ingredient for today’s taste.

On The Home Front: Original Wartime Recipes from The Great War 1914 to 1918 (8)

An Indian Recipe

1917: An Indian Recipe

Cut a fowl or rabbit in small pieces. Shred onion small and fry in butter. Sprinkle fowl with flour, salt and curry powder, and fry till a nice brown. Then add a pint of stock. Stew slowly to half quantity, and then serve with rice. Slice 3 large Spanish onions very fine, and fry to a pretty light brown. Sprinkle this over the above stewed chicken or rabbit.

On The Home Front: Original Wartime Recipes from The Great War 1914 to 1918 (9)

I thoroughly enjoyed “test-driving” these 100-year-old recipes, and it made for a very tangible connection with the housewives of the day, as well as making me feel that in some way I had contributed to the First World War’s centenary in a very personal way.I have shared some cooking notes and authentic recipes from WW1 below and I hope you have enjoyed my WW1 project cooking on The Home Front. See you soon with more recipes, travel notes and news, have a relaxing weekend, Karen

On The Home Front: Original Wartime Recipes from The Great War 1914 to 1918 (10)

Pea Soup

On The Home Front: Original Wartime Recipes from The Great War 1914 to 1918 (11)

The Mid-Day Meal – Pea Soup


Take one pound split peas, a good-sized piece of dripping, a piece of carrot, a piece of turnip, an onion, a little minced parsley, salt and pepper. Wash the peas well, and soak them over night. Put them on to boil with two or three quarts of cold water and the dripping. When the soup comes thoroughly to the boil, put in the onion, neatly cut into pieces. After it has boiled for three hours, strain it, and return it to the pot, adding the pepper and salt, the grated carrot and turnip, and the minced parsley. Let it come again to the boil. Serve a slice of toasted bread cut into squares with the soup.

On The Home Front: Original Wartime Recipes from The Great War 1914 to 1918 (12)

Saturday Pie

On The Home Front: Original Wartime Recipes from The Great War 1914 to 1918 (13)

Saturday Pie


Butter the bottom and sides of a pie-dish, and spread a layer of mashed potatoes on the bottom. On this put a layer of chopped cold meat, nicely seasoned with pepper and salt, and a little onion and a dusting of herbs. Then arrange another layer of potatoes and meat; add a little thick gravy. Cover the dish with a nice crust, and cook until pastry is done. A.C., Dundee.

On The Home Front: Original Wartime Recipes from The Great War 1914 to 1918 (14)

On The Home Front: Original Wartime Recipes from The Great War 1914 to 1918 (15)

On The Home Front: Original Wartime Recipes from The Great War 1914 to 1918 (16)

On The Home Front: Original Wartime Recipes from The Great War 1914 to 1918 (17)

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On The Home Front: Original Wartime Recipes from The Great War 1914 to 1918 (2024)


What did they eat in 1914? ›

First World War

Each soldier could expect around 4,000 calories a day, with tinned rations and hard biscuits staples once again. But their diet also included vegetables, bread and jam, and boiled plum puddings. This was all washed down by copious amounts of tea.

What food did they eat in the war? ›

An army needs portable food that can withstand months of storage, and being bashed about while transported. Cured meats, hard cheeses, and bread in the form of 'biscuits' were the foods of choice for much of the history of warfare. The Army Service Corps also packed and distributed rations of sugar, tea, jam, and salt.

What did American soldiers eat in WW1? ›

receive a ration that included:
  • 1 lb pound of beef (or three-quarters of a pound of pork or one pound of.
  • salted fish)
  • 1 lb flour or bread per day.
  • 3 lbs pounds of peas or beans per week.
  • 1 pint of milk per day.
  • 1 pint of rice per week.
  • 1 quart of spruce beer or cider per day.
  • a little molasses.

What foods were rationed during WW1? ›

Material rationing was common during World War I in the United States, along with certain types of food products, such as wheat, beef, butter, and sugar.

What did soldiers eat for dinner in WW1? ›

Daily rations were meant to include fresh or frozen meat, but many meals would have consisted of tinned food, like this 'Maconochie' beef and vegetable stew. Named after the company that made it, it was a familiar aspect of the British soldier's diet.

What was the Maconochie stew in the Great war? ›

Maconochie was a British stew of sliced turnips, carrots, potatoes, onions, haricot beans, and beef in a thin broth, named after the Aberdeen-based Maconochie Company that produced it. It gained recognition as a widely-issued military ration for British soldiers during the Boer War and World War I.

What did soldiers eat for breakfast in WW1? ›

A typical day, writes Murlin, might include breakfast of oatmeal, pork sausages, fried potatoes, bread and butter and coffee; lunch of roast beef, baked potatoes, bread and butter, cornstarch pudding and coffee; and dinner of beef stew, corn bread, Karo syrup, prunes, and tea.

What was the most widely used food for soldiers? ›

The most common food given to soldiers was bread, coffee, and salt pork. The typical ration for every Union soldier was about a pound of meat and a pound of bread or flour.

What did people eat for breakfast in WWII? ›

An English Breakfast during WWII. Breakfast tended to be porridge with milk if available but some families would use melted lard! OMG. A special treat was toast or bread and jam (we always had jam apparently – my grandmother would make it, but so little sugar, she relied on the fruit.

What does the k in k rations stand for? ›

The first procurement of K-rations was made in May 1942. Some believed the K-ration was named after Dr. Keys or was short for "Commando" (as elite troops were the first to receive it). However, the letter "K" was selected because it was phonetically distinct from other letter-name rations.

What did WW1 soldiers drink? ›

Some soldiers mixed beer or cider with white wine; thin red wine was sometimes mixed with army rum to add body; rough brandies and marcs could be chucked into wine to make it stronger; and "champagne" was sold with a range of adulterants.

Did rats eat soldiers in WW1? ›

At night opportunist rats crept out. Discarded food cans would rattle as the rats crept inside to lick the remains. More horrifically the rodents were sometimes referred to as corpse rats. They bred rapidly in their millions and swarmed through No-Mans Land gnawing the corpses of fallen soldiers.

What was the most popular rifle used during World War I? ›

In terms of weaponry, by 1914 all European armies had a magazine-fed bolt action rifle. The British Army had the Short Magazine Lee–Enfield Mk III Rifle more commonly known as the SMLE; it was the standard infantry rifle in the First World War and would be for much of the Second World War.

When did WW1 soldiers sleep? ›

A typical day in the trenches
After dinnerSleep and downtime
6pmStand-to half an hour before dusk
7 more rows

What was the bread in World War 1? ›

It was known as War Bread. The extraction rate rose from a peace-time level of 76 per cent in November 1916 to 81 per cent in February 1917, with admixtures of barley, oats or rye flour, and 92 per cent in March 1918, with added soya or potato flour. The bread was consequently dark in colour.

What did civilians eat during WW1? ›

In the war, schools also had food shortages and had to cut back. Sadly, there were a lot of poor families who ate only one meal a day. They got by on tea, bread and jam. They may have had only one meal a week with meat, usually on a Sunday.

What was the typical breakfast in ww1? ›

  • Most likely a hardtack cracker and tea or coffee depending on which army you were in.
  • Meal options were limited, but many soldiers ate a better diet than at home, enjoying dishes such as beef tea, mutton broth, potato pie and 'duff pudding' (boiled plum pudding).
Aug 19, 2021

Did soldiers starve in WW1? ›

Feeding both civilians and soldiers was a global issue during the First World War and food shortages were a major feature of the war experience. The food crisis experienced by the Central Powers in 1918 played a decisive role in their defeat, and hunger induced by economic warfare played a crucial part in it.

What were German rations in 1914? ›

German Daily Ration, 1914

750g (26 1/2 oz) bread, or 500g (17 1/2 oz) field biscuit, or 400g (14 oz.) egg biscuit; 375g (13 oz.) fresh or frozen meat, or 200g (7 oz) preserved meat; 1,500g (53 oz.) potatoes, or 125-250g (4 1/2-9 oz.)


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Name: Nathanial Hackett

Birthday: 1997-10-09

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Hobby: Listening to music, Shopping, Vacation, Baton twirling, Flower arranging, Blacksmithing, Do it yourself

Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.