Best Feats for Every Class - Baldur's Gate III Guide - IGN (2024)


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Every class in Baldur's Gate 3 is specially designed to excel in one or two specific areas. This is neatly mirrored in the list of feats too, where each feat provides a strong boost to one or another aspect of gameplay. Most characters will only be able to select three feats over the course of the game, so being selective about which feats you choose is incredibly important. With that in mind, here are some of the best feats for every class in .

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Feats That Are Good for Every Class in BG3

Most feats in the list have a specific use that's geared toward one specific class or play style. However, there are a few feats that are good for any character. The following feats provide a bonus that will be useful for any type of character you can cook up:

Ability Improvement

The Ability Improvement feat is useful for rounding out your Ability scores and pumping your stats up. Since your bonuses only go up on even scores, use Ability Improvement to increase your Abilities to even numbers. If you're looking for the best Ability to increase first, consider pumping up your Dexterity since it determines your initiative bonus and AC.


The Lucky feat gives you three Luck Points that you can spend to reroll Attack Rolls, Ability Checks, or Saving Throws, or to make an enemy reroll their Attack Rolls. It's essentially three renewable charges of Inspiration that you can even use in combat, making it useful for any character that rolls dice--which happens to be all of them.


The Skilled feat allows you to choose three skills to become proficient in. It's useful for adding more skill proficiencies to your characters' arsenals. This can help balance your party out if the team you want to run is lacking in a few key areas like Perception, Sleight of Hand, or Arcana.


The Tough feat increases a character's maximum hit points by two for every level they gain. It applies to levels they've already gained and will continue to apply to every level thereafter. This can help toughen up characters with smaller hit dice like the Wizard and Sorcerer or further beef up characters with big hit dice like the Barbarian or Ranger.

Best Feat Combos in BG3


There are a few feats in Baldur's Gate 3 that work exceedingly well together. The following feats, when taken together, will give your character a huge advantage in combat:

  • Sentinel + Polearm Master: The Sentinel feat gives you advantage with Opportunity Attacks and makes successful Opportunity Attacks stop their target's movement. Polearm Master allows you to take an Opportunity Attack whenever an enemy moves within range. Considering that Polearm weapons tend to have a wider range than other weapons, this combo allows the character to shut down opponents' movement for ultimate tactical superiority.
  • Dual Wielder + Savage Attacker: Savage Attacker has you reroll all of your damage dice and take the highest result. It's triggered by any weapon attack, so if your character is Dual Wielding, Savage Attacker will also trigger for their offhand attack.
  • Lucky + Great Weapon Master/Sharpshooter: Great Weapon Master and Sharpshooter both give you the option to take a -5 penalty to your attack rolls with the associated weapon to increase your damage by a whopping 10 points. That penalty is pretty harsh, but that's where Lucky comes in! You can use your Luck points to reroll attacks that might have missed otherwise.

Best Feats for Every Class in BG3

This list recommends feats that bring out the best in each of the following classes:

  • Barbarian
  • Bard
  • Cleric
  • Druid
  • Fighter
  • Monk
  • Paladin
  • Ranger
  • Rogue
  • Sorcerer
  • Warlock
  • Wizard

Best Barbarian Feats

The Barbarian tends to focus on melee damage, speed, and positioning. They can turn the tide of battle for or against themselves very quickly. It's best to choose feats that enable the Barbarian to move around the battlefield faster, increase their damage output, and give them more options for attacks. Here are the best feats to select for a Barbarian character:

Best Feats for Barbarians
Savage AttackerWhen making weapon attacks, you roll your damage dice twice and use the highest result.
Great Weapon MasterWhen you land a Critical Hit or kill a target with a melee weapon attack, you can make another melee weapon attack as a bonus action that turn.
Attacks with a Heavy melee weapon you are Proficient with can deal an additional 10 damage at the cost of a -5 Attack Roll penalty.
DurableYour Constitution increases by 1, to a maximum of 20.
You regain full hit points each time you take a Short Rest.
Martial AdeptYou learn two manoeuvres from the Battle Master subclass and gain a Superiority Die to fuel them. You regain expended Superiority Dice after a Short or Long Rest.
MobileYour movement speed increases and difficult terrain doesn't slow you down when you Dash.
If you move after making a melee attack, you don't provoke Opportunity Attacks from your target.

Savage Attacker and Great Weapon Master both focus on maximizing the Barbarian's damage output, though you could replace Great Weapon Master with Polearm Master or even Dual Wielding if you want to use those weapon types. Regardless, Martial Adept will give your Barbarian more options when they attack so they can set themselves up for maximum damage.

If you'd rather beef up your Barbarian's defense, Durable improves the Barbarian's survivability and enables them to fully heal on a Short Rest. Your Barbarian won't have to drain every potion the party has just to heal their huge hit point pool. Meanwhile, Mobile will allow them to move further on every turn so they can get in all of their extra attacks and allow them to avoid Opportunity Attacks when needed.


Best Bard Feats

The Bard excels at versatility first and foremost. It's the class with the most utility, much of which takes place outside of combat. Take feats that further improve their out-of-combat abilities, but don't forget to buff their combat abilities too. Here are the best feats to select for Bards:

Best Feats for Bards
ActorYour Charisma increases by 1, to a maximum of 20.
Your Proficiency Bonus is also doubled for Deception and Performance Checks.
Defensive DuelistWhen attacked while wielding a Finesse Weapon you're Proficient with, you can use a reaction to add your Proficiency Bonus to your Armour Class, possibly causing the attack to miss.
Magic Initiate: WarlockYou learn 2 cantrips and a Level 1 spell from the Warlock spell list. You can cast the Level 1 spell once per Long Rest. Your Spellcasting Ability for all 3 spells is Charisma.

Actor is an obvious choice that will pump up your Bard's Charisma score and give them a huge edge on Deception and Performance checks. Defensive Duelist can keep your Bard well-protected in melee, and Magic Initiate: Warlock gives them a few more Charisma-based spells to sling.

Best Cleric Feats

Clerics make wonderful healers and good close to mid-range fighters. They usually wear Medium Armor, but bumping them up to Heavy Armor can improve their survivability significantly. Here are the best feats to select for a Cleric:

Best Feats for Clerics
Heavily ArmouredGain Armor Proficiency with Heavy Armor and Strength is increased by +1, for a maximum of 20.
Shield MasterYou gain a +2 bonus to Dexterity Saving Throws while wielding a shield. If a spell forces you to make a Dexterity Saving Throw, you can use a reaction to shield yourself and diminish the effect's damage. On a failed Saving Throw, you only take half damage. On a successful Saving Throw, you don't take any damage.
MobileYour movement speed increases, and difficult terrain doesn't slow you down when you Dash.
If you move after making a melee attack, you don't provoke Opportunity Attacks from your target.
War CasterYou gain Advantage on Saving Throws to Maintain Concentration on a spell.
You can also use a reaction to cast Shocking Grasp at a target moving out of melee range.

Heavily Armoured will give your Cleric more AC than Medium Armor ever will, though you'll have to give up on finding armor that offers good spellcasting enchantments. Shield Master will further increase the Cleric's defensive capabilities, and Mobile will allow them to get out of dangerous situations much more easily.

If you want to focus more on their spellcasting, War Caster gives your Cleric advantage on Concentration checks, which will help them keep their defensive spells up longer.


Best Druid Feats

The Druid is a very versatile class. You can lean into its shapeshifting abilities to become a front-line fighter, or you can opt to focus on its magical abilities to heal your allies or rain destruction upon your foes. Here are the best feats to select for Druids

Best Feats for Druids
Magic Initiate: ClericYou learn 2 cantrips and a Level 1 spell from the Cleric spell list. You can cast the Level 1 spell once per Long Rest. Your Spellcasting Ability for all 3 spells is Wisdom.
Mage SlayerWhen a creature casts a spell within melee range of you, you have Advantage on any Saving Throw against it, and you can use a reaction to immediately make an attack against the caster.
Enemies you hit have Disadvantage on Concentration Saving Throws.
Polearm MasterWhen attacking with a glaive, halberd, quarterstaff, or spear, you can use a bonus action to attack with the butt of your weapon. You can also make an Opportunity Attack when a target comes within range.

As a melee shapeshifter, Mage Slayer will help your Druid disrupt enemy spells. If you're going with a caster-type Druid, consider Magic Initiate: Cleric to expand your spell list with more Wisdom-powered spells. Polearm Master is great if you're planning to use Shillelagh to enchant your quarterstaff and want more things to do with it.

Best Fighter Feats

The Fighter is a strong choice for anyone who wants ultimate flexibility in combat. The Fighter can equip any weapon and can don any armor. How you outfit the Fighter is entirely up to you, but the following Feats will help almost any build you brew up.

Best Feats for Fighters
AlertYou gain a +5 bonus to Initiative and can't be Surprised.
Polearm MasterWhen attacking with a glaive, halberd, quarterstaff, or spear, you can use a bonus action to attack with the butt of your weapon. You can also make an Opportunity Attack when a target comes within range.
SentinelWhen an enemy within range attacks an ally, you can use a reaction to make a weapon attack against that enemy. Target ally must not have the Sentinel Feat.
You gain Advantage on Opportunity Attacks, and when you hit a creature with an Opportunity Attack, it can no longer move for the rest of its turn.
ToughYour hit point maximum increases by 2 for every level you have gained.

The Fighter stands to gain the most from the Polearm Master + Sentinel combo since it enables them to use their Battle maneuvers at a wide range. Alert is useful if your Fighter is your tank and you want to get them out in front as soon as possible, especially if you're surprised. Tough is useful for every character, but Fighters will find it especially useful in making up the hit point gap between them and Barbarians.

Best Monk Feats

The Monk is an enigmatic fighter that specializes in hand-to-hand combat and divine powers. They aren't as tough as other melee fighters, but they make up for it with agility and speed. The following feats will help maximize the Monk's features and overcome its shortcomings.


Best Feats for Monks
Magic Initiate: ClericYou learn 2 cantrips and a Level 1 spell from the Cleric spell list. You can cast the Level 1 spell once per Long Rest. Your Spellcasting Ability for all 3 spells is Wisdom.
Martial AdeptYou learn two manoeuvres from the Battle Master subclass and gain a Superiority Die to fuel them. You regain expended Superiority Dice after a Short or Long Rest.
Tavern BrawlerWhen you make an unarmed attack, use an improvised weapon, or throw something, your Strength Modifier is added twice to the damage and Attack Rolls.
MobileYour movement speed increases, and difficult terrain doesn't slow you down when you Dash.
If you move after making a melee attack, you don't provoke Opportunity Attacks from your target.

Magic Initiate: Cleric will add a few Wisdom-powered spells to your Monk's repertoire which can greatly expand their usefulness in and out of battle. Guidance is a great choice for one of your cantrips if you don't already have it in your party.

Martial Adept gives your Monk even more ways to attack, and Tavern Brawler helps to maximize their damage output. Mobile is a good choice, too. It'll add to the Monk's already incredible movement speed so they can zip around the battlefield with ease.

Best Paladin Feats

The Paladin is an excellent front-line fighter. Paladins tend to have high AC, lots of hit points, and defensive spells that further enhance their survivability. The following feats will help you make the most of the Paladin's substantial abilities.

Best Feats for Paladins
Savage AttackerWhen making weapon attacks, you roll your damage dice twice and use the highest result.
ChargerYou gain Charger: Weapon Attack and Charger: Shove.
Heavy Armor MasterYour Strength increases by 1, to a maximum of 20.
Incoming damage from non-magical attacks also decreases by 3 while you're wearing armor.
Shield MasterYou gain a +2 bonus to Dexterity Saving Throws while wielding a shield. If a spell forces you to make a Dexterity Saving Throw, you can use a reaction to shield yourself and diminish the effect's damage. On a failed Saving Throw, you only take half damage. On a successful Saving Throw, you don't take any damage.

Savage Attacker applies to all of your damage dice with weapon attacks, which includes your Divine Smite abilities. Charger helps the Paladin move into combat faster and allows them to change the position of enemies.

Heavy Armor Master and Shield Master will improve the Paladin's defensive abilities and give them a slight boost to Strength that you can polish off with an Ability Improvement.

Best Ranger Feats

Rangers are versatile characters that tend to stay at range during fights, opting to let their companion engage the enemy head-on. However, that isn't always the case; they can also be excellent melee fighters if you lean into Dual Wielding. Outside of combat, they excel at finding novel solutions to problems through stealth, knowledge, or craftiness. The following feats will help you get the most out of your Ranger, depending on their Fighting Style.


Best Feats for Rangers
Savage AttackerWhen making weapon attacks, you roll your damage dice twice and use the highest result.
Dual WielderYou can use Two-Weapon Fighting even if your weapons aren't Light, and you gain a +1 bonus to Armour Class while wielding a melee weapon in each hand. You cannot dual-wield Heavy weapons.
SharpshooterYour ranged weapon attacks do not receive penalties from High Ground Rules. Ranged Weapon attacks with weapons you are Proficient with have a -5 penalty to their Attack Rolls, but deal an additional 10 damage.
LuckyYou gain 3 Luck Points, which you can use to gain Advantage on Attack Rolls, Ability Checks, or Saving Throws, or to make an enemy reroll their Attack Rolls.
SkilledYou gain Proficiency in 3 Skills of your choice.

The Savage Attacker + Dual Wielder combo is tailor-made for Dual-Wielding Rangers. It allows them to wield weapons that aren't Light in their offhand, which means the damage dice you're rolling are that much more savage. If you aren't opting for a melee build, consider the Sharpshooter + Lucky combo to get a huge damage boost at range.

Skilled is an especially strong choice for Rangers since they tend to focus on Dexterity and Wisdom. There are five Wisdom skills and three Dexterity, so getting to choose three more will enable you to assemble a wider variety of skills. If the Ranger is your main character, we recommend bumping your Charisma up and using Skilled to select Persuasion (or Deception if that's your style). This will result in a character that can cover a lot of bases.

Best Rogue Feats

The Rogue class is especially versatile in that it comes with a long list of features that function in both melee and ranged combat. Outside of combat, Rogues are particularly adept at disarming traps, picking locks and pockets, and sneaking around the battlefield. The following feats will turn your Rogue into a top-tier burglar and assassin.

Best Feats for Rogues
AlertYou gain a +5 bonus to Initiative and can't be Surprised.
Dungeon DelverYou gain Advantage on Perception Checks made to detect hidden objects and on Saving Throws made to avoid or resist traps.
You gain Resistance to the damage dealt by traps.
LuckyYou gain 3 Luck Points, which you can use to gain Advantage on Attack Rolls, Ability Checks, or Saving Throws, or to make an enemy reroll their Attack Rolls.
Magic Initiate: WizardYou learn 2 cantrips and a Level 1 spell from the Wizard spell list. You can cast the Level 1 spell once per Long Rest. Your Spellcasting Ability for all 3 spells is Intelligence.
SharpshooterYour ranged weapon attacks do not receive penalties from High Ground Rules. Ranged Weapon attacks with weapons you are Proficient with have a -5 penalty to their Attack Rolls, but deal an additional 10 damage.

Alert is a must-have feat for Assassin Rogues since it all but guarantees that they'll go first in combat. This enables them to get in their powerful sneak attack with ease. If you're going for a long-range Rogue, the Sharpshooter + Lucky combo will help them pull off a sneak attack from range.

Dungeon Delver is helpful if you're having trouble detecting traps with your Rogue, since it effectively halves the damage they receive from them. Magic Initiate: Wizard adds some utility to your Rogue by allowing them to cast a spell like Minor Illusion to distract foes without being locked into the Arcane Trickster subclass.

Best Sorcerer Feats

The Sorcerer is a spellcaster with an innate magical prowess. Sometimes, it's more than even they can handle. They don't have to prepare spells as the Wizard does, but they're limited in how many spells they can know. That said, their spells pack quite a punch. The following feats will help to bring out the powerhouse potential of your Sorcerer characters.


Best Feats for Sorcerers
Elemental AdeptYour spells ignore Resistance to a damage type of your choice. When you cast spells of that type, you cannot roll a 1.
Spell SniperYou learn a cantrip, and the number you need to roll a Critical Hit while attacking with a spell is reduced by 1. This effect can stack.
War CasterYou gain Advantage on Saving Throws to Maintain Concentration on a spell.
You can also use a reaction to cast Shocking Grasp at a target moving out of melee range.

Elemental Adept is a very strong choice for Sorcerers, especially if they specialize in one type of elemental damage and don't want that damage mitigated by resistance. Meanwhile, Spell Sniper is a must-have since it effectively increases their spells' chance to critical by 5% and gives them one more cantrip to learn.

War Caster is useful if your Sorcerer is using Area of Effect spells that they have to concentrate to maintain, and when they do get the rare chance for an Opportunity Attack, they'll do it with something they can actually deal significant damage with.

Best Warlock Feats

The Warlock is an infernal spellcaster that draws their power from a pact they made with a demonic patron. They wield a unique set of spells that no one else can pick up without the appropriate feat. Regardless, they alone acquire the Invocations that bring out the true power of their spells. Select the following feats to help your Warlock achieve ultimate power.

Best Feats for Warlocks
Ritual CasterYou learn two ritual spells of your choice.
Magic Initiate: SorcererYou learn 2 cantrips and a Level 1 spell from the Sorcerer spell list. You can cast the Level 1 spell once per Long Rest. Your Spellcasting Ability for all 3 spells is Charisma.
War CasterYou gain Advantage on Saving Throws to Maintain Concentration on a spell.
You can also use a reaction to cast Shocking Grasp at a target moving out of melee range.

The Warlock gets the fewest spell slots of the spellcasters, though they recharge on a Short Rest. This means you'll be using a lot of cantrips as a Warlock, especially Eldritch Blast. However, selecting Ritual Caster will allow you to select a couple of spells that they can cast without spending precious spell slots. and Magic Initiate: Sorcerer will give them two Charisma-powered cantrips to add to their spellbook and a spell.

Of all the spellcasters, Warlocks make the most use of the War Caster Opportunity Attack since they're the most likely to be in melee range of an enemy. Regardless, advantage on Concentration checks is especially helpful in ensuring that they don't waste precious spell slots on a spell that gets broken too soon.

Best Wizard Feats

The Wizard is a trained wielder of the Weave. They've studied for years, decades, some even for centuries, and under the tutelage of mentors chosen by Mystra herself. In short, Wizards aim to be the greatest spellcaster in all Faerun and beyond. The following feats will ensure your Wizard is up to the challenge.


Best Feats for Wizards
Elemental AdeptYour spells ignore Resistance to a damage type of your choice. When you cast spells of that type, you cannot roll a 1.
Spell SniperYou learn a cantrip, and the number you need to roll a Critical Hit while attacking with a spell is reduced by 1. This effect can stack.
War CasterYou gain Advantage on Saving Throws to Maintain Concentration on a spell.
You can also use a reaction to cast Shocking Grasp at a target moving out of melee range.

The Elemental Adept and Spell Sniper feats are excellent choices for a Wizard. Most Wizards specialize in one or two types of elemental damage, so ignoring Resistance against them is incredibly helpful and increasing their chance to Critically Hit is great too.

War Caster is useful in case you're having trouble keeping your Wizard out of trouble. For a Wizard, it's imperative that they be able to maintain Concentration.

Up Next: Best Illithid Powers

PreviousBest Party CompositionsNextBest Illithid Powers

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Best Feats for Every Class - Baldur's Gate III Guide - IGN (1)

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Best Feats for Every Class - Baldur's Gate III Guide - IGN (2024)


What feat should I choose in Baldur's Gate 3? ›

For all classes, the most reliable and the best choice is the ability improvement feat. If you're unsure what to pick, opting for this feat and raising your primary ability to 18, and eventually 20, is always a solid decision.

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The Paladin is the strongest class and subclass in Baldur's Gate 3 due to its damage output, survivability, and versatility. The Paladins can access various weapons and armour types, allowing for diverse playstyles. Combining Extra Attack with Divine Smite results in exceptional raw damage potential.

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The best overall party composition for Baldur's Gate 3 is a versatile group consisting of one Wizard, Fighter, Cleric, and Rogue, giving you a balanced team with diverse skills, abilities, and spells. The Fighter serves as your tank or melee damage-dealing aggressor.

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However, its superiority in Baldur's Gate 3 doesn't stop there. The Everburn Blade equips players with fundamental attack maneuvers. Overall, it stands out as one of — if not the most — most potent weapons in the game.

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Baldur's Gate 3 system requirements
CPUIntel Core i5 4690 AMD FX 8350Intel Core i7 8700K AMD Ryzen 5 3600
GPUNvidia GeForce GTX 970 AMD Radeon RX 480Nvidia GeForce RTX 2060 Super AMD Radeon RX 5700 XT
1 more row
Sep 5, 2024

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Almost Any Subclass Of The Wizard Is Hard To Master

Wizards are one of the deadliest spellcasting classes in Baldur's Gate 3. They have the potential to learn any spell in the game as long as they have found a scroll of it and then proceed to cast it at even higher levels.

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But let's talk romance: while Baldur's Gate 3 has a number of intriguing romance paths, Shadowheart's is easily the most popular, with 51.3% players completing her romance arc (which you can find a walkthrough of here). It turns out she really is God's favorite princess and the most interesting girl in the world.

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For a solo playthrough, you want a class that excels in stealth. This maximizes the value of the Deathstalker Mantle, the main tool keeping you from being dogpiled by large groups of enemies. The two main options are the rogue and gloomstalker ranger.

What is the best class in Baldur's Gate 3 early access? ›

The best classes in BG3 are Bard, Rogue, Wizard, Cleric, and Paladin, as they are the best at fulfilling their role. All five of these classes are able to accomplish their specialty better than any other, even if just by a small margin.

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Baldur's Gate 3 Best Classes: Tier List And Which One You Should...
  • S Tier Classes. Bard. Cleric. Paladin. Sorcerer.
  • A Tier Classes. Barbarian. Ranger. Rogue. Warlock. Wizard.
  • B Tier Classes. Druid. Monk.
Sep 5, 2023

What is the best character to start with in Baldur's Gate 3? ›

With both melee and spellcasters being accessible even for those just starting their journey, these are Baldur's Gate 3's best beginner classes.
  • 10 Bard. A Brilliant Support Spellcaster. ...
  • 9 Druid. Powerful Spellcasters & Shapeshifters. ...
  • 8 Monk. Agile Heavy Hitters. ...
  • 7 Rogue. ...
  • 6 Warlock. ...
  • 5 Paladin. ...
  • 4 Cleric. ...
  • 3 Ranger.

What is the most powerful class in Baldur's Gate 3? ›

Anything that abuses infinite Sorcery points and therefore infinite spellslots with the Sorcerer is probably the "strongest" class in the game. Warlock multiclassing is usually required to help cheese this but I think you can still get a stupid amount of Sorcery points without even using Warlock spellslots.

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The best overall build in Baldur's Gate 3 Patch 7 is the Oath of Vengeance Paladin. You have the most versatility, single-target damage, and survivability, all in one class. With the Vengeance subclass, you solve the issue for the Paladin, which is lethargic mobility.

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The best overall race for Baldur's Gate 3 is the Half-Elf because they have the best movement speed, darkvision, and Civil Militia, giving them access to essential proficiencies. The increased movement speed per turn gives them an advantage regardless of your build.

How important are feats in BG3? ›

Feats give characters new abilities to use in and out of combat, and are granted every few levels to all classes. At the end of the day, if none of the unique Feats in BG3 seem to be a good fit for a character's build, the "default" choice – Ability Score Improvement – is always available (until a score reaches 20).

What feat should I give Astarion? ›

For Astarion, the most common recommendation is to prioritize increasing his Dexterity score with the ASI at level 4. This improves his accuracy, damage, and armor class [1:1]. The Dual Wielder feat allows him to use two rapiers and grants a bonus to his AC, making him less squishy [1:6].


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